FARM social strategy
The main product was priced 270% higher than the leading competitor and industry trends had a huge effect on our audience. Just posting cute farm animals wasn’t going to cut it.
Educate to convert. I utilized Instagram to highlight our regenerative farm practices and share recipes to use the whole animal. Over the course of a year I tripled sales converted through Instagram leads, contributing to an 88% increase in total sales. Check out some high performing posts below.
AUG 2018
Pork Jowl Bacon
We’re often asked how small regenerative farms can actually feed the nation, therefore justifying our reliance on factory farms. But our reliance on factory farms stems in part from the American tendency to only eat a small percentage of the animal (steaks, roasts, boneless skinless chicken breasts and bacon) while sloughing off the rest of the animal (bones, organs, head, feet) to dog food companies under the dreaded “animal by-product” label.
If our aim is to provide enough bacon to satiate every American’s appetite, then of course factory farming is the only viable option. But if our aim is to provide nourishment for every American, respect the life of each animal by ensuring nothing goes to waste, and improve the land with every growing season, then regenerative farming isn’t only possible, but perhaps a viable solution to the problem of feeding a growing nation.
This doesn’t mean we all suddenly learn to cook and eat liver 5 times a week, but small changes can lead to bigger ones, and together we can slowly shift the perspective of what an animal can offer us, and not just value the animal in words, but in actions.
Take this pork jowl bacon that @paulsenxcooks made, for example. Instead of using meat from the belly of the pig, he cured and smoked meat from the cheek area (similar fat content) to make a familiar breakfast. A not-so-scary step toward using the whole animal, and perhaps a step toward a more sustainable food solution for the whole country.
#sustainability #regenerativeagriculture #foodforthought #bacon #pasturedpork #paleo #keto #regenerative #sustainable #feedingamerica #pork #porkjowl
JUNE 2018
This is a gizzard. It’s the reason why chickens can process grains. The chickens swallow tiny pebbles and hold them in the gizzard to stone grind and sprout the grains before they move through the digestive system.
Grains are included in a biologically appropriate diet for chickens, because that’s what their wild predecessors would naturally forage for, and the gizzard helps them process it correctly (wish I had one! 🙋♂️).
Check our stories to learn all about the gizzard, red junglefowl, exact ingredients in our supplemental feed, and the importance of fresh pasture to ensure the chickens’ primary diet is grass, bugs, grubs, seeds and worms.
#natureisawesome #pastureraised #chicken #themoreyouknow #knowyourfarmer
JUNE 2018
Simply put, a pig is more than bacon, and a chicken is more than a breast.
We take so much time and care to raise these animals right, we feel a personal responsibility to make use of the entire animal, and you can too. That means opting for less popular cuts like drumsticks and ground meats, using bones and feet for bone broths, and getting adventurous with offal (or feeding your dog raw!).
It also means that we won’t ramp up production to meet the high demand for chicken breasts and bacon, unless we know we can use all the accompanying off cuts, organs and bones.
#wholeanimalbutchery #zerowaste #pasturedpork #pasturedpoultry #regenerativeagriculture