
inventory management

Products are grown, not made. When chicken breasts sell out, it takes up to 12 weeks for the next batch of chickens to reach market weight and be processed. Moving through off-cuts like organs and bones is essential for sustainability and profitability.


product development

Rather than convincing a boneless skinless chicken breast customer to start cooking pork liver for their family, I identified and captured a community that was already seeking it out.

I partnered with a raw feeding instructor to build packs of organs and bones for raw dog food. I studied the basics, got involved with the community and started feeding the farm dogs raw on a regular basis.

I cross promoted with influencers, shared stories of feeding the farm dogs and wrote blog posts on how to get started. Once I captured the attention of local feeders, we sold out of of beef and pork offal in record time and began a sustainable way to close the gap and sell through the whole animal.

We also found 2 year old pork hearts in the back of the freezer, a formerly unmovable product, now in high demand.


How to Feed Your Dog Raw

Build Your Own Pet Food Pack